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Guanajuato is strategically located in a key geographic area, where historically various communication routes have converged, facilitating commercial exchange between the three main metropolitan areas of the country. Its intense industrialization process has significantly boosted its economic growth.
Guanajuato is a state in central Mexico that stands out for its strategic location and strong transportation infrastructure, providing it with significant competitive advantages in various economic sectors.
The road network in Guanajuato is robust and efficient, connecting the main production centers and cities in the state with other regions of Mexico.
In terms of rail connectivity, Guanajuato has key infrastructure for the transportation of goods, especially for the automotive, manufacturing, and agricultural sectors.
Guanajuato's air connectivity is also notable, with the Del Bajío International Airport as its main hub. This airport offers regular flights to national and international destinations, facilitating the mobility of people and goods.
A diversified economy and a skilled workforce make Guanajuato an attractive destination for both national and international investment. The state's competitive advantages contribute to its sustainable economic growth and its prominent role in the region.