Grupo Rio San Juan
Ave. De Los Encinos # 1000 Parque Industrial Villa Florida, Reynosa, Tamaulipas, C.P. 88715
+52 (899) 929.3000
About us
Grupo Rio San Juan is one of the most highly
regarded companies in the planning and development of industrial parks,
commercial and residential areas. Villa Florida and Del North, both of which are
located in located in Reynosa, have received international recognition for the
excellence of their services, and maintain a leading role in the economic
growth in their region between Mexico and United States. Both parks are home to numerous multinational
companies representing various industries and different manufacturing
requirements. Grupo Rio San Juan customers have contributed
to the dynamic growth in the region creating a large number of jobs. Equally important are the skill levels, quality
standards, and production environments that have been developed between the
labor forces in Tamaulipas.
Available Buildings
Industrial lands